Human Design 101

“The Human Design System is not a belief system.  It does not require that you buy into or believe anything.  It is not a philosophy.  It is a concrete map of the nature of being.  It is a logical way to see ourselves.  Just knowing the simple mechanics of your Design is enough to make a vast difference in your life.  The Human Design System is simply a detailed reading of your genetic code.  I hope you enjoy experimenting with and living your design and that you too can participate in becoming a healthy, self-loving human being.” 

– Ra Uru Hu (founder)

Well what is it exactly?

Simply put, the Human Design System has been found to be the most profound collision of both Science and Spirituality.  A relatively new system, HD was brought to the mainstream in 1987, after a very grueling and unexpected download of information was dumped onto the founder, (formerly known as) Alan Krakower.  The system and information it contains is derived from a combination of the most ancient Chinese spiritual text in existence (The I'Ching), principles of Quantum Physics, a mirroring of DNA Genetics, The Kabbalah's well known Tree of Life,  the energy centers of The Chakras, and the exact placement of time and space through the likes of Astrology. It is an extremely complex system that gives each person a unique, one-of-a-kind, energy based blueprint (think... universal purpose, proper decision making, brain design, relationship circuitry, personality gems, optimal success strategies, rest requirements, digestion profiles, and so much more) .  It provides each of us with our own definition of separateness, and a personalized guide for true inner joy.  It's something that can be fully trusted, studied and practiced.  One thing that it is not, however, is a religion.  It's not something that has to be preached, believed, or clung to.  It does not discriminate in anyway, shape or form, and will not pull or push you in any spiritual or religious direction.  It is simply an individual experiment. An experiment with your soul and that soul's true purpose here on this universe. A way to find true love within yourself. 

So how do I get my chart? 

Luckily, there are multiple ways to generate a free chart online or via apps.  By entering your exact birth details (exact minute of birth, date of birth, city/state of birth), a personalized chart is generated resembling the image above.  Remember, no two charts are the same.  Each of us were brought into this universe with a unique purpose and the details contained in the bodygraph outline and map that purpose.  Once generated, most softwares will give you some basic information on your chart, such as energy type, strategy and authority.  These are the basics, or pillars as I call them, of Human Design, and are a great way to get started with the experiment.  Just knowing your general place in the energy universe, how to strategically move throughout your day, and how to properly make decisions can be life changing.  You will most likely notice that a lot of the information resinates. That is what Human Design does.  It brings you home to yourself. There hasn't been one chart that I have facilitated that hasn't made my client say (in some form) "wow, this is spot on"!  For some, this may be enough, but for most, a deeper dive is desired.  That is where the professional facilitators, like myself, come into play.  Fully and intuitively reading, deciphering and outlining a chart is a complex task, and it takes multiple months of training to be able to comb through and make sense of it all.  Luckily, again, there are more and more professional Human Design readers and many options for exploration.  I invite you to explore your chart.  If for nothing else, to gain more self-awareness and self-love.  Your soul (and the Universe) will thank you and you deserve nothing but true JOY!


The Science of Human Design


Human Design Energy Types