Human Design Energy Types

There are 5 Energy Types, or Archetypes, that exist within the Human Design System. Based on the blending of Quantum Physics, the Ancient I'Ching, The Chakra System, Astrology, DNA/Genetics, and The Kabbalah, each energy type gives a personalized glimpse into life strategy, energy levels, decision making, and energetic flow markers, based on the exact moment you were brought into this universe. Energetically speaking, it outlines your personalized blueprint, or stamp on this life in regards to how you are designed to thrive. 

Each energy type within the system carries a different weight energetically, and serves a certain life purpose for the collective. If honoring your design, life is simply the way it should be, and you will be free to be unapologetically YOU.  You become liberated from the things that aren't serving you, at peace with the innate energy within you, educated on ways to thrive both personally and professionally, aware of the energy of others around you, and biologically in positive flow from a health and wellness standpoint. Energy is our true nature of being, and becoming familiar and in flow with your design is a way to connect to that nature and flourish under the blueprint it provides. Remember, no two Human Design charts are alike, we are all unique from an energetic standpoint and have a unique combination of variables that make us who we are. 

Let's say the 5 Energy Types enter a would they interact? What would their roles be? 

The Manifestors are there to lead the way and kick open the doors.  They have informed everyone of the party, done the research on the details, and are ready to get things going. Everyone knows who the Manifestors are, and will either be mesmerized or turned off by their confidence. Manifestors will portray sporadic bursts of energy and will ultimately keep the party going. The Generators will enter the party with their sparkly and attractive energy to attract what is good and fun.  They follow the people and the rooms that are most active and fun, and will lift everyone up around them in the process. They are our responders that will close the party down as they will have the most energy of them all. The Manifesting Generators, part of the Generator group, will also respond to what lights them up, but will also have an uncanny ability to multitask.  They will be topping off the drinks while making great conversation, all while raising the overall vibration of the party.  They are the perfect blend of both bliss seeker and spontaneity and will continually be pulled in many directions. The Projector then comes to the party only when the invitation (and energy) is correct for them.  When they get the green light, they will be the ones to make the party better. They will instinctually listen to the music and make changes if necessary, increase efficiency of the food and drink services, and impart wisdom whenever asked.  They love the recognition in that sense. You may notice they are sitting down some, that is all inline for the Projector.  As non energy beings, they will probably be one of the first to leave. Last, the Reflector (if you are lucky enough to have one at your party) will be there to reflect all that is good and well in others.  They will be at the center of the party, acting as a mirror to serve the collective.  They will take on the energy of others and be a true chameleon with empathy for all.  Their element of surprise will lift the party up to a new level. 

Curious as to what your roll would be? Interested in learning more about your energy level and how you are best designed to make decisions?  How about knowing what strategy in life will support more success, health and overall wellness? It's truly an amazing system.  Nothing to buy into, nothing to believe.  Just an insanely fun and personalized experiment with your soul. 


Human Design 101