The Science of Human Design

In 1987, the year Human Design came into existence, an extraordinary event took place that was visible to the naked eye from a mountaintop in Chile. A death of a star, or Supernova, exploded with great intensity and bombarded our planet with three times the number of Neutrinos than normal; for a total of 14 minutes. Three trillion neutrinos, and the information they carry, continually pass through every square inch of earth, every second.  Neutrinos are the ‘breath of the stars’ and according to scientists, there are more neutrinos than any other form of matter. These tiny bits of information are penetrating us all the time and can be compared to the ancient energy forces of Chi or Prana. 

During this time, a gentleman by the name of Alan Robert Krakower was living in Ibiza, Spain with his family, taking respite from a busy advertising and publishing career.  As this Supernova exploded, Krakower was hit with a grueling 8-day experience, where the Human Design information was relayed to him through what he calls ‘The Voice’.  A very similar experience to many of the scientific giants we have encountered throughout our lifetime. From this point on, it was Krakower’s (now known as Ra Uru Hu) life’s work to share this information, and that is exactly what he did. 

“The Human Design System is not in the world because of me.  It is in the world because everybody was seeded with this information, in those eight days, the whole planet.  We were all receptive to the neutrino stream that poured through that crystal bundle. The reality is that the energy that I took in was Yin energy, form energy.  That was my experience.  But to describe it physically is to understand that this was something incredibly violent.  I am designed for shock. The only thing that surprises me about any of this is that I survived to tell the tale”. - Ra Uru Hu

The Human Design System has since been found to be the most profound collision of Science and Spirituality.  By 1987, as the entire planet was flooded with the potential for heightened awareness, the stage was already set. The moment was ripe for the Human Design System as it was time to shift from the controlling minds of the past to a more awake and aware potential for consciousness.  The bottom line is that our newly evolved 9-centered forms are here to guide us through life decision by decision, instead of being ruled by the mind’s outer authority.  

One way to illustrate this, although there are so many correlations, is the parallel between our cellular biology.  Human Design provides a unique energetic anatomy blueprint through the information that it provides, and exploring the correlation between DNA and the Gates is probably the most profound. As we know, DNA code is the universal Earth-life language.  It is comprised of 64 codons, each unique to our genetic code, giving us specific information on our makeup.  The Human Design chart is made up of 64 Gates, derived from the most ancient divination tool available (3000+ years), the Chinese I’Ching, which is an extremely sophisticated system of self-awareness and consciousness. It has been found, through multiple scientific channels, that the 64 Gates correlate precisely to the 64 codons of our DNA.  Each Gate within the Human Design System contains 6 possible archetype lines, and each codon of DNA contains 6 groups of amino acids, all dynamic within our systems.  Even more compelling, as scientists dive deeper into the science of Epigenetics, they are finding that 98%-99% of our coding and expression is actually influenced by our experiences, environment, conditioning, and free will; all nuances that the Human Design System specifically addresses.  

At the exact moment of birth, there was an imprinted neutrino map that outlines the unique energetic blueprint of our being.  That is Human Design.  We are absolutely moving towards our next evolutionary phase of being, and through embracing this Science of Differentiation, we can re-orient and return home to that awareness.  


Human Design 101